All Three Solway Churches are delighted to welcome school visits either to all three churches, or individually.
The churches, all built from the stones of Hadrian’s Wall, offer a unique educational resource for both local Schools and schools throughout Cumbria.
Learning materials relating to the stories of all three churches, prepared by qualified teaching staff, are available to be downloaded below. In addition, at Burgh-by-Sands Church, there are six children’s re-enactment outfits for each of its main stories (Romans, King Edward I, Celtic Saints and Border warfare/Reivers) with accessories (soft swords, helmets, scissors, felt tip pens etc.) for use in conjunction with the learning materials.
our publicity leaflet about school visits
for detailed information on the history and visiting arrangements for each church
School Visits and Educational Resources

Learning Materials for Burgh-by-Sands:
Activity Lesson Plans:
Activity One Lesson Plan – Familiarisation with the church, its features and history
Activity Two Lesson Plan - Making Roman Helmets
Activity Three Lesson Plan – Royal Links
Resource Sheets:
Resource sheet one - The Romans: Structure of the Roman Army
Resource sheet two - Roman Soldier Helmets
Resource sheet three - Roman Helmet A to make
Resource sheet four - Roman Helmet B to make
Resource sheet five - The Romans: A Roman Soldier
Resource sheet six - King Edward I to colour
Resource sheet seven - Burgh Church text Quiz
Resource sheet eight - Burgh Church picture Quiz
Colouring sheet (St Kentigern's cross)
Learning Materials for Beaumont
Lesson Plan One - Egg Vehicle Challenge
Lesson Plan Two - Creative Writing
Lesson Plan Three - Landscape Drawing
Work Sheet One - Egg vehicle Race
Work Sheet Two - Creative Writing
Learning Materials for Bowness-on-Solway
Church Quiz - I spy round the church
Lesson Plan - Village Study
Resource Sheet 1 - Bowness Aerial View