St. Michael’s, Bowness-on-Solway
Postcode: CA7 5AF
See also our How to Find us Section.
Opening Times: Open All Year (including Christmas and New Year) Approximately 0900 – 1600 throughout the year.
Parking: Roadside alongside churchyard
Access to the churchyard is via steps and is unsuitable for wheelchairs.
WC in village hall nearby
Free entry
Church Safeguarding contact please visit the Safeguarding page.
For information about services, events and parish groups in the Barony of Burgh Benefice.
A sturdy Norman building, with massive buttresses, built just outside the site of the westernmost fort on Hadrian’s Wall. Its 17th-century bells, which can be seen in the church, have a fascinating history relating to the violent times of the Border reivers. Of special interest is the beautifully carved Norman font, and a good collection of 20th century stained glass windows. Come and be surprised! The Millennium Banner reflects life today on the Solway, as does the fine collection of embroidered kneelers. In the churchyard there is an 18th century sundial, a smuggler’s grave and a hearse house.